FCC Week 2023 - First Announcement
The next edition of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) conference will take place at the Millennium Conference Centre in London, United Kingdom from Monday 5 June to Friday 9 June 2023.
The conference is organised with the support of the UK Research and Innovation Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) and the EU-funded Horizon 2020 FCCIS project.
FCC Week 2023 will bring together the worldwide community working towards a world-leading high-energy physics infrastructure for the 21st century. It will offer ample opportunities to share results, to build new collaborations and to solidify the vision of a post-LHC circular particle collider. It will also provide an important occasion to review the deliverables for the upcoming FCC mid-term review that will take place later this autumn.
The FCC Week 2023 will follow the traditional layout of plenary and parallel sessions covering all aspects of the study: physics, experiments, machine design, technologies, infrastructures and civil engineering. Monday starts with a set of plenary keynote presentations with top-ranking international speakers from the world of science. The Monday plenary sessions will not only offer an overview about the ongoing activities across all parts of the study and inform the collaboration members about the optimised lowest-risk placement, the latest machine parameters and progress on understanding the physics potential of the FCC integrated programme, but also expose key deliverables for the upcoming mid-term review of the FCC feasibility study. Parallel sessions will focus on specific areas. Satellite meetings for UK-related projects and for the governance bodies of the FCC study will be included in the programme that is being developed. Participation of industry is highly encouraged, since addressing the technological challenges of a new research infrastructure presents plenty of opportunities for co-innovation.
The work carried out in the framework of the FCC Feasibility Study will inform the next update of the European Strategy and benefit society in areas beyond particle physics. Leading experts from academia and industry will review the recent progress en route to the completion of the feasibility study in 2025 and set the near-term goals for the coming years. The physics opportunities opened by the FCC integrated programme as well as the status of key technology R&D programmes will be discussed along with the technological opportunities on offer for building new collaborative projects. The meeting is an excellent opportunity to reinforce the bonds between the FCC collaborating institutes and to refine the submissions for the FCC mid-term review to the CERN's Council later this year. We strongly encourage submission of proposals for posters via the indico page of the FCC Week 2023 conference.
More information: fccweek2023.web.cern.ch.
We would like to thank our local partners, namely the STFC, the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, King’s College London, the University of Manchester, the University of Oxford, Queen Mary University of London, Royal Holloway University of London and University College London for helping us with the organisation of this conference.
Registration is open and participants are encouraged to book their accommodation early to take advantage of the many attractions and cultural activities that the city has to offer.
Stay tuned for further updates on the scientific programme as well as useful information to help you plan your trip to the UK (visa applications, nearby hotels, etc.).
We look forward to welcoming you to London for what promises to be an exciting and informative event!
FCC Week 2023 Secretariat
On behalf of the FCC Week 2023 Organizing Committee